Mistress of the Ural Mountain

Since ancient times, in the Urals, there is a legend about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain a mythical image of the spirit-mistress of the Ural Mountains.

They say that this extraordinarily beautiful lady, in a dress of green malachite and a sparkling crown of precious stones from the Urals, appears only to the one she likes. When she does not want to be seen, she turns into a green lizard.

We decided that our garden would also have its own Mistress of the Mountain. We were working on the concept of her image, the design of the dress and the crown for several months, the result is a fabulous outfit of emerald silk and velvet, richly decorated with flowers from our garden.

The chief creator of the dress was the fashion designer Maria Maslovskaya, make-up and hairstyle by Svetlana Chashchina.

The crown was made by the famous make-up artist and headdress designer Svetlana Korban. Look precious stones are play in the sun. To decorate the costume, fresh flowers were used, which will be presented in our garden.

We have chosen as the location for filming a nature reserve in the Perm Territory — Usvinskie Pillars. The rocks here are fairly considered one of the most beautiful in the south of the Urals and reach a height of 120 meters. You can find on the stones prints of ancient corals and other fossils, reminiscent of the sea splashing here many millions of years ago.

Our trip took two days, we spend about 5 hours driving, then the way through the impassable forest along the Usova River takes about an hour and to ascent uphill takes another hour, and finally we got to the place! The effort is really worth it, because you have an unforgettable view of the Ural Mountains and forests.

 We invite you to visit the Chelsea Flower Show 2021 in September this year to see what a beautiful image of the Ural nature we had created!